Gratitude isn’t just saying thank you if someone gives you a gift, or buying pizza for your friends when they help you move. Being thankful in those situations is definitely important, but there’s more to it. It’s a daily practice of honoring the good that exists in your life, which includes your own accomplishments and things you would otherwise take for granted if you didn’t make an effort to acknowledge them.
“I just need a few more hours in my day.” “We don’t have time for that.” “My to-do list is never-ending.” Does this sound like something you’ve said a time or two (million)? In today’s world, time is a rare commodity.
You might meditate yourself, or have at least heard about it. It’s an ancient practice rooted in Eastern cultures but has become popular all over the world in the modern age. But what is meditation and what does it actually do for you? And more importantly, does it work?
Have you ever had a situation in your life where you feel like you’re a child playing grown-up? That feeling is called imposter syndrome. It’s the feeling that you aren’t quite qualified to do something, have something or be somewhere.
Human beings are innately spiritual. Most of us believe in some way or another that we have a soul and a purpose greater than ourselves. It’s human nature to ask questions about our existence and our relationship to the awe-inspiring universe we live in.